Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sometimes You take a Stumble into the Sand Dunes

Writing this blog has certainly become an adventure for me. There is no possible way I can know what picture will flow from one day to the next. And on top of that I never actually know if my idea will work or be a mess. Right now as I'm writing this, I have no photo. BUT I have a story , an adventure if you will. I truly  honestly believe that God has to have the most awesome sense of humor ever, and You will NEVER know when it will strike. For me, well that was last night.

Living 40 minutes from an island is a good thing. The plan: nighttime photos of both the beach side and bay side. The hope: An awesome shot of a lit up boat on the bay. The result: Stuck vehicle in sand. Now it's gonna get embarrassing, but only for me. See I knew better.I knew better than to drive on sand. In a BIG rear wheel drive truck. And yet I still did it. And that's when the fun begins. There is no better way to see God than to be so humble as to know that even though you may be amazing, there are times that no matter what you do, well, you are just stupid. Yep, stupid. The part I love?  I was telling myself no as I was pushing the pedal down. Here's the thing: I am not SuperWoman. Eek. That hurt. Yep, I have no magical powers that will let me drive through sand, not slide on ice, and I have no mechanical inclinations at all. So, you're all wondering what happens next right? How did I get out of the sand? Well first things first. In the dark, with no one around and absolutely no lights, no cars driving by, well, it puts things into perspective. Today, I'm beginning to think there was a plan. But in my eyes there is always a plan. So I start trying to get the truck out of the sand. I go forward and backward. I find a piece of cardboard and try that. I even get on my hands and knees and start shoveling. I REALLY, really didn't want to call anyone. I really hate to be yelled at. Really. Hate. Yelling. Ask my kids, they hate it too. So I coyly call for advice from a friend, who I know will know how to get a stuck truck out of sand. Here's the part I hate: He said I couldn't do it. I wouldn't know how. Me, SuperWoman, wouldn't be able to handle this...what?!?!  Tell me it's not true. Then he said he would come get me out of the sand. And no it doesn't end there, that's not my point. Ok, so after that it's dark. It's creepy and my friend who came with, well she's a little freaked. I mean it is DARK. There is no light except what we can see from some construction and its off season. So I'm still trying to get the truck out of the sand, sort of. Until I fall in the sand, get covered and decide, I'm through. He was right. I can't do this. Now about that time I am praying. Well, technically I've been praying to get that car out of the sand since it got stuck. But all in God's timing, which, well, it isn't my own. This is unfortunate. So I'm praying.  Loudly. It feels like God is with us, the sky is so deep and it's so dark and quiet, it just seemed like the thing to do. But what I thought was interesting wasn't the words I was praying but the silence. Not of God, because we both agree, He is talking. And there was no way I was listening lately but that may be because of all the noise of life. I had to wait. Sit and wait. There was nothing I could do. Nothing. The truck just sat there making me mad. And then to have a friend tell you, he would come rescue you, well nothing quite hurts your pride as having to be rescued from your own stupidity. So to my point. God wanted my attention. He got it. And He taught me that pride can sneak up on you. Thinking that WE can do EVERYTHING, well, that's pride. There is nothing more humbling than God letting your pride take you tumbling into a big sand dune.

Oh and P.S. My friend got us safely out of the sand and on our way home. But not before laughing. At Me. I got a lecture about sand. It took about 15 minutes. Took me an hour and a half just to sit and talk to God. And it took me well, into an hour of that time to admit I needed help. See, there is always a plan...even if we don't know it.  

Until Tomorrow
Grace Be with You

1 comment:

  1. There's a very edited version of the story;) I like it.
