Saturday, spurred by my sister into running for exercise and on a training regimen, I went to my local birding park that is near the Arroyo, which is basically a river?, I think. I'd have to ask someone the answer to that but I digress. The point isn't really whether the Arroyo is a canal or a river, it's my experience that day.
I got out of my truck, put my headphones on and started out. Found out I could run, if only for short periods of time, but what is really important is that probably for the first time in my life, I felt like I was walking with God. As I turned onto this path, I turned the music off, and was literally praying and in front of me was a beautiful monarch butterfly. It was gorgeous and peaceful and as I walked it simply led me down the path, to a turn and all the way I am having a conversation with God. A CONVERSATION. I know, there are those of you who are now questioning my sanity. I'm not. Part of hearing from God is to listen. And sometimes to listen we have to turn everything off, get away from all the distractions of social media (me), children (me again!) and anything else that is going on in life. I had been praying for a place that I could get away and just get with God. I never really thought that working out would end up being one of those times.
So one of the small revelations that I learned was that God always answers. There is a season for everything. I didn't know my husband was going to die or when or anything like that but three days before he died his brother showed up in Alaska. Now, it wasn't planned until a week before that he would come stay with us. But I was such a mess that I needed him there. I honestly don't know what I would have done without him. So sometimes God is working other people and situations to work into yours. Be patient. Accept a no, not yet or a yes answer. You never know what God is doing or planning that is probably ten times better than what you could have ever done!I leave you with this:
Be happy in your faith and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually. 1 Thessalonians 5:16
Grace Be With You
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