Baby Christians...some of us will be baby christians forever. We will never get over ourselves and dig into the Bible and let God change us. And just so you know, let me put a disclaimer on this, I am not some learned preacher, I haven't even been in what I call a relationship with Jesus until really the past five months or so. Maybe longer. I know I was guilty of the baby christian phenomenon, go to church each Sunday, sing the songs, but not really change for many years. No reading the Bible daily, no learning on what God has to say to me, just a little baby, not on solid food, not doing any good for others or for myself.
Five months or so ago, that changed. I was tired of being miserable and I could hear God calling my name. Part of it was the people I am around. They are maturing christians with me. Now, I have to seek out knowledge from the Bible, from sermons, the internet (Mars Hill is a good one) and I read books about a relationship with God. Let me tell you I don't care one hoot about your or anyone else's religion. It gets in the way. If you are praying, reading, seeking God and in a relationship with Him, why do you need some label that is based on man's legalistic nature. Now before I get ugly comments let me say this: I go to church, I get inspired, filled up and sometimes, I have to get corrected in my behavior, But I'm not a baptist, protestant or any other label. I am a God Fearing God Following Woman. Period.
Okay so I know I'm getting a little deep here but isn't that what this is all about? That beautiful tree photo, that is from my friend's front yard. It reminds me that a tree doesn't bloom without food, water and sunlight. Sometimes it goes through cold weather and it looks worn, but if you feed and water it properly, look at it bloom. How beautiful is God's grace.
So I'm not here to teach you but get you thinking. To inspire you, to encourage you. I am so lazy and inconsistent sometimes. But I made this promise to God, One blog/photo a day and I'm going to do it. I absolutely have to pray about it. I read in my Bible about it. So I'm growing in my walk with God and I really hope that you put up the mouse and pick up your Bible. It's an amazing life and I'm just 5-6 months into it. God is doing amazing work in me and I know my life is only getting better day by day.
God is so Good. God is so REAL. Pray. You won't be the same. I promise.
Until Tomorrow
Grace be with You
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