Friday, January 29, 2010


Not too long ago I made some disparaging remarks about the Valley where I live and its landscape. It seems that maybe I spoke too soon or I just have never taken the time to truly look at the landscape or God is making me eat my words....probably the latter. So as I'm thinking about what to post on my "bloggity" (Thank You Natalie Norton) I'm thinking wow, you know the valley is prettier than I thought. I took this particular shot in downtown Harlingen. Now it is ok during the day, but I just love the night. So probably for awhile you can look forward to some good night photos. This is Jackson Street, the "hub" if you will of the downtown streets. No, we are not a big metropolitan area but I am slowly learning to love living here. And well the landscapes are growing on me.

The thing that is starting to hit me is that God is using all these little incidents in my life to make me grow. It hurts. Ouch. But Praise God all is well and we are moving forward.

Until Tomorrow

Grace Be With You


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sometimes You take a Stumble into the Sand Dunes

Writing this blog has certainly become an adventure for me. There is no possible way I can know what picture will flow from one day to the next. And on top of that I never actually know if my idea will work or be a mess. Right now as I'm writing this, I have no photo. BUT I have a story , an adventure if you will. I truly  honestly believe that God has to have the most awesome sense of humor ever, and You will NEVER know when it will strike. For me, well that was last night.

Living 40 minutes from an island is a good thing. The plan: nighttime photos of both the beach side and bay side. The hope: An awesome shot of a lit up boat on the bay. The result: Stuck vehicle in sand. Now it's gonna get embarrassing, but only for me. See I knew better.I knew better than to drive on sand. In a BIG rear wheel drive truck. And yet I still did it. And that's when the fun begins. There is no better way to see God than to be so humble as to know that even though you may be amazing, there are times that no matter what you do, well, you are just stupid. Yep, stupid. The part I love?  I was telling myself no as I was pushing the pedal down. Here's the thing: I am not SuperWoman. Eek. That hurt. Yep, I have no magical powers that will let me drive through sand, not slide on ice, and I have no mechanical inclinations at all. So, you're all wondering what happens next right? How did I get out of the sand? Well first things first. In the dark, with no one around and absolutely no lights, no cars driving by, well, it puts things into perspective. Today, I'm beginning to think there was a plan. But in my eyes there is always a plan. So I start trying to get the truck out of the sand. I go forward and backward. I find a piece of cardboard and try that. I even get on my hands and knees and start shoveling. I REALLY, really didn't want to call anyone. I really hate to be yelled at. Really. Hate. Yelling. Ask my kids, they hate it too. So I coyly call for advice from a friend, who I know will know how to get a stuck truck out of sand. Here's the part I hate: He said I couldn't do it. I wouldn't know how. Me, SuperWoman, wouldn't be able to handle this...what?!?!  Tell me it's not true. Then he said he would come get me out of the sand. And no it doesn't end there, that's not my point. Ok, so after that it's dark. It's creepy and my friend who came with, well she's a little freaked. I mean it is DARK. There is no light except what we can see from some construction and its off season. So I'm still trying to get the truck out of the sand, sort of. Until I fall in the sand, get covered and decide, I'm through. He was right. I can't do this. Now about that time I am praying. Well, technically I've been praying to get that car out of the sand since it got stuck. But all in God's timing, which, well, it isn't my own. This is unfortunate. So I'm praying.  Loudly. It feels like God is with us, the sky is so deep and it's so dark and quiet, it just seemed like the thing to do. But what I thought was interesting wasn't the words I was praying but the silence. Not of God, because we both agree, He is talking. And there was no way I was listening lately but that may be because of all the noise of life. I had to wait. Sit and wait. There was nothing I could do. Nothing. The truck just sat there making me mad. And then to have a friend tell you, he would come rescue you, well nothing quite hurts your pride as having to be rescued from your own stupidity. So to my point. God wanted my attention. He got it. And He taught me that pride can sneak up on you. Thinking that WE can do EVERYTHING, well, that's pride. There is nothing more humbling than God letting your pride take you tumbling into a big sand dune.

Oh and P.S. My friend got us safely out of the sand and on our way home. But not before laughing. At Me. I got a lecture about sand. It took about 15 minutes. Took me an hour and a half just to sit and talk to God. And it took me well, into an hour of that time to admit I needed help. See, there is always a plan...even if we don't know it.  

Until Tomorrow
Grace Be with You

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Children's Faces

Sometimes the best shots I get are the ones I'm not even trying at. This candid photo was taken as she looked at her mom. Sometimes I wish I just had a hidden camera to catch all those kid know, the ones that make us laugh and the ones that make us want to scream...Maybe that will be my next project...children's faces.

Until Tomorrow
Grace Be With You

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Night

There is something inherently beautiful about the night to me. It is peaceful and serene. There is a stillness and quietness in the night that calms me for some reason. Now I'm not downing the bright sunshiny days, I'm just saying that the night has a special place in my heart.

I apologize for missing a day on this blog. But I'm still plugging away and taking photos, just having an interesting time coming up with creative photos. Recently every night time experiment seems to have been a flop; some mess that sounded good at the time. I think this blog has become something in itself. Something that I didn't expect. What I expected to be a few good photos and some words about God has turned into a very personal experience for me.

Yes it is personal. I want to make sure I am honest and truthful about not only my walk with God, but with who I am. So yes, there are days that things just don't work out for me. And no, I don't always behave the way I should. I think maybe for me, it's this sense of sharing an experience that is so personal and real to me, that I have no choice than to be truthful and transparent, mainly because I do not want you to get the wrong idea about God. It is so increasingly important to me, that not only do you see God, but that you see Him through my eyes, with all the ugly flesh showing through to God's amazing grace and forgiveness for such a person as me. I am not worth His grace, forgiveness, or love but the debt has been paid for in my name and yours.

So I am an imperfect being on a journey of perfection .....sounds so corny but it's true. Sometimes it's just harder to see the writing on the wall. So here is where I am. I am seeking God and sometimes, my flesh wins and sometimes my heart wins.

Until Tomorrow,
Grace Be With You

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010


This is Monster, our very mischevious cat. I don't say that lightly either. He can often be heard calling out my  mother.."Mom." "Mom." He jumps and plays and he loves massages. Especially if my brother is behind the massage. He seems to have a special touch.

My mom and her friend found Monster when they were out for a walk one day. He could have only been like a day old at most. He didn't even have his eyes open. Monster thinks he is human. He also thinks he is the prettiest among us and well, I'm not sure he thinks we're all that great looking.

We all love Monster, he's a brat at best, wants to be petted when he wants to be petted. He pretty much does whatever it is he wants to. Curiosity? Well Monster invented the word. He has to inspect bags when they come into the house. He wants to look and smell your drink and your food. He genuinely likes people.
 Oh, and he can open doors. Who doesn't like a talented cat like that?

Sometimes I feel like a cat...I know silly right? But a cat like Monster. With personality of course. Like right now honestly, I'd really like to do whatever I want to. I'd like to just go with the flow. And curious, I am probably just as curious as he is if not more. Loving takes sacrifice, so I have to sacrifice the part of me that would like to look in every bag and just live for myself and not take into consideration what God wants me to do.

Until Tomorrow
Grace be with you

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Road Less Travelled

Canadian Highway, The Yukon, April 2007

I had an interesting thought the other day. I thought about how much my life has changed in such a short time. How pain and depression can color your life. I almost have a before and after. I was this way before this event and now I'm this way. It's been a long hard road to get here. Ever since I can remember I have always taken the road less traveled. When I was younger it was more about being different than anything else. I didn't want to conform to someone's standard of me. Now though, it seems that the road less travelled is the one where people do the right thing. I've never taken the easy path, now I have known and loved people that take the easy path everytime, but for me the payoff was never worth it. And no matter how much I want it, the easy path has never been the right one for me. How I use to pray that just once the right thing to do would be the easy one. But it never was.

These days the right path is God's Will and it hasn't gotten any easier. How my flesh rebels at conforming to God. It kicks and screams and sometimes I feel I am in a fight that is way over my head and abilities. I know why and what I need to work on and I know that my Heavenly Father still loves me. But the time has come that I have to really work on those things that set me apart from God in sin. My prayer is that I can do it. For even in silence must I praise God and follow His Will.

So here's to all my fellow travelers on the road less traveled. May God's Grace be with you always.

Until Tomorrow
Grace Be With You

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

God is in the Details

Ouch! God keeps picking at me and it is getting harder. Everyday it's something new and lately I just haven't been cutting it. I know what I need to do, it's just so hard now that God is getting down to the nitty gritty. I think I'm going through a time of silence. But that is ok because my faith is strong. I know what God wants from me and I have to work at it be it.

I took this peaceful picture tonight. I think you can see where I am going with this. What do you see?

Until Tomorrow

Grace Be With You

Monday, January 18, 2010

Praising God!

Yosemite May 2008
Praising and Worshiping God

I am reading a book called "The Prayer That Changes Everything" by Stormie Omartian. I am realizing that I am focused more on me. How can I change? What do I need to do? I, I, I, and me some more. This book has really opened my eyes. Where am I focused on God? Now don't get me wrong, I have been working on learning and getting closer to God and just following God's Will. I am seeking Him. But here's the thing, now I'm getting to the parts that are bringing me closer to Him. To an understanding of God and Who He is. I reccomend this book greatly.
Okay, first things first, do we ever take the time to truly praise and worship God, just be in His presence? My answer to that is no. I thank Him and praise Him in every prayer for things that I have, for answered prayers, for all those things. However, I don't sit and meditate on it. I don't go deeper than Thank You for this or that. We all need to praise God, worship Him and become closer with Who He is. Just a quick note on why I find this important. The kind of life I want, need, is the life God has for me. That means sacrificing my human flesh and learning about God. Praise and worship is so important to just be with God without wanting or asking for anything. Just being in His presence. It's how we learn Who God is. I want the amazing, extraordinary life that God has for me and which I cannot attain without Him.

 Lord How I praise Your Name that I am not a mistake. I am a creation, from my eyes to my toes. Thank You Lord for being in every detail in this world. For planning my life. For choosing me to be the mother to my children. For choosing me to carry out Your Will and Your life for me. I praise You for the being the light through the clouds, the shining light in the darkness. You are so Amazing. Thank You for being my Provider, My Grace, my Heavenly Father, my Redeemer, my Ressurection, my Righteousness. Thank You Lord for being Everything to me. Amen.

Until Tomorrow
Grace Be With You

Heard a good sermon today. Was about how we are the salt of the earth. About how we never know what we do that makes an impact on someone else. Maybe it's our attitude. A positive word, a testimony. Maybe it's just that the love of our Jesus shows through. I think that is pretty darn cool...and pretty darn scary. It really makes me think about what I say and how I do things. See I can totally be a sarcastic negative person. I'm not always on my best christian behavior. Now I'm not saying that I am fake, we've got to be real because fake can be seen a mile away. Think of all the fake christians you know.  Can't you see them a mile away?

There are days I struggle. It's a different type of struggle these days though. It's not about whether God Exists nor is it whether I have faith in God. It is going through all these baby steps to get closer to God. Being consistent is a real struggle for me. Praying and studying His word and putting it to use, sometimes I don't get it. I won't sit here typing this to the world without being honest about myself. I used to have a very negative self image and there are still days I look in the mirror and see the blemishes and the lines about my eyes and I'm old. or ugly or any of those many things that we say to ourselves. God did not make ugly. I know I am a beautiful person. I know God created me, ME! He didn't have to. I could totally be someone else right now! But I'm not and I am so thankful for that.

Every day it is my goal to do a few things: be consistent, follow God's Will, and Pray. If I could do that every day , I can't tell you the amazing things that would happen. And if we all did that?!?!?! WOW. Think of the changes that would happen in this world.

So here's my request: Pray for me. Pray that I am consistent in my study and prayer. Pray that I have a positive attitude and do not cause anyone to struggle. Pray that I can be an example to all those around me and make a positive effect on this world. Let the glory be God's!

Until Tomorrow
Grace Be With You

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Baby Christians

Baby Christians...some of us will be baby christians forever. We will never get over ourselves and dig into the Bible and let God change us. And just so you know, let me put a disclaimer on this, I am not some learned preacher, I haven't even been in what I call a relationship with Jesus until really the past five months or so. Maybe longer. I know I was guilty of the baby christian phenomenon, go to church each Sunday, sing the songs, but not really change for many years. No reading the Bible daily, no learning on what God has to say to me, just a little baby, not on solid food, not doing any good for others or for myself.

Five months or so ago, that changed. I was tired of being miserable and I could hear God calling my name. Part of it was the people I am around. They are maturing christians with me. Now, I have to seek out knowledge from the Bible, from sermons, the internet (Mars Hill is a good one) and I read books about a relationship with God. Let me tell you I don't care one hoot about your or anyone else's religion. It gets in the way. If you are praying, reading, seeking God and in a relationship with Him, why do you need some label that is based on man's legalistic nature. Now before I get ugly comments let me say this: I go to church, I get inspired, filled up and sometimes, I have to get corrected in my behavior, But I'm not a baptist, protestant or any other label. I am a God Fearing God Following Woman. Period.

Okay so I know I'm getting a little deep here but isn't that what this is all about? That beautiful tree photo, that is from my friend's front yard. It reminds me that a tree doesn't bloom without food, water and sunlight. Sometimes it goes through cold weather and it looks worn, but if you feed and water it properly, look at it bloom. How beautiful is God's grace.

So I'm not here to teach you but get you thinking. To inspire you, to encourage you. I am so lazy and inconsistent sometimes. But I made this promise to God, One blog/photo a day and I'm going to do it. I absolutely have to pray about it. I read in my Bible about it. So I'm growing in my walk with God and I really hope that you put up the mouse and pick up your Bible. It's an amazing life and I'm just 5-6 months into it. God is doing amazing work in me and I know my life is only getting better day by day.

God is so Good. God is so REAL. Pray. You won't be the same. I promise.

Until Tomorrow
Grace be with You

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Clouds and Birthdays

Harlingen, Texas of of Loop 499 1/15/10
These clouds appeared today like a wave in the ocean. The were low and thick and in some places it reminded me of a painting of Jesus riding a cloud down to the earth. Thank You Lord, for the reminder, that You are in all things. Your power is amazing. 

Harlingen Water Tower

God's Glorious Clouds
Looks like God's chariot as He comes down from heaven.

So today is my 32nd birthday. Don't ask me why this birthday unlike the 30th and 31st birthdays has been bothering me. It may be that someone made a comment about a 16 year old could be my daughter...that seems to have set me in a tailspin. So I'm 32, big deal; but it's seems to be a big deal to me. It's not so much the age as all the things that I haven't done yet. The plans I made that I never accomplished. The weight I've never lost, the success that hasn't come. I've lived 32 years and I don't know what I have done with my time. It seems to have disappeared. So I prayed about it. God is so good. He has helped me see, that all those little things that I haven't accomplished, weren't meant to be accomplished by me.
You see, God has plans for us all and my plans are NOT God's plans. Sometimes I need reminding of that. I spent my twenties raising children and trying to accomplish MY plans on MY own. God wants me to work on His plans and the great thing about that is that I'm not alone, He is there with me every step of the way.
Now, I'm not saying I want to be 20 years old again, maybe if I could have that body and face but not without the knowledge I have now. A very wise woman told me today that "the older you get, the better you get. Youth isn't all it's cracked up to be."
Good words.

Until Tomorrow,
Grace Be with You

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Moving Mountains

Alaska 2007

Here's a secret: Everyday I get up and have to make the decision to follow God. And here's the kicker: Sometimes I fail. Recently I have not been studying and praying like I should, and when that happens it just seems like the day is not right, or something (SOMEONE) is missing. I am not as productive in my business or in my duties that I feel God has led me to. You see christians fail all the time. Let me give you a hint, we are people. We fail. We get mad, sad, cry, and sometimes do the wrong things. Some christians are hypocrites and yes, those are the worst but we still love God and God still loves us and He still loves you.

Sometimes I just want to move mountains, there is even a verse in the Bible that talks about moving mountains with faith. Here is what I am learning. If I decided tomorrow morning that I was going to climb a mountain, it would take training. I would have to go on a diet and a strength and cardio program. I would have to buy all the right equipment and probably talk and get mentors who have already climbed mountains. I couldn't just wake up, get dressed, and go climb a mountain. That would be insane. A relationship with God is a lot of the same thing. The Bible is our training manual. Pastors and speakers and fellow christians help us to learn the ways of the Lord. But most importantly God, Himself chips away at us, like a potter to clay. He heals our hurts, dries our tears, give us hope, and teaches us faith. There are temptations and worldly vices and people who will get in our way. Our own selves will cry out, not wanting to change. But all is possible with God.

I don't proclaim to be an expert in a relationship with God. No, my faith and trust in the Lord grows day by day. Each day I learn new things and I am being changed into the woman He wants me to be. Some days I fail and let the world in and some days (and these are the good ones) I get to win.

You might ask yourself, if it hurts, if its hard, why do it? Because the reward is so great that the changes we make, the plucking away at the unpleasing parts of us that God does is so worth it. The reward is more than any riches on earth can be. Jesus suffered on a cross for me and you...God loves us that much, when did the world  ever do that for you?

Until Tomorrow
Grace be with You

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Photo from Hurricane Dolly that hit So Texas in 2008
Commerce Street in Harlingen, Texas
The Day After

 Let me tell you a story I read, told by Joyce Meyer (

" A friend of mine sat in a folding chair in a fishing boat on the lake. She was reading Psalm 91 and thanking God for her angels when the boat suddenly hit a wave and knocked over her chair. She hit her head on the side of the boat, but she was not really harmed. She was rather distraught by the fact she fell and hit her head, so she asked God, "Where were my angels?", God spoke to her heart and said, "You are not dead, are you?" In other words, she may have hit her head but it could have been much, much worse had her angels not been there."

With Hurricane Dolly, angels were at work. There were destroyed buildings, no power, bad water, and as you can see damage everywhere. But it could have been worse. I don't believe that we can be negative and be in God's good graces. How could we have faith if we are questioning God? There is a reason and a season for all things. I know that the earthquake in Haiti is devastating and my heart goes out to all those affected, from family and surviviors to the dead. We need to keep hope in God alive. Hope, that it will be okay and faith in God. But I see people pulling together to help. Could that be the plan? I don't know. But we are to be peacekeepers and helpers. Give a prayer for those in Haiti and the families of the affected. Keep the faith and hope alive...
Are not the angels all ministering spirits sent out in the service of those who are to inherit salvation?
Hebrews 1:14

Until Tomorrow
Grace Be With You

I am so Blessed

Praise God I am so blessed! I see people hurting, people who have nothing, people that live in nothing more than tin shacks. But me, I have a home with air conditioning, internet and cable, food on the table, clothing to wear and shoes. I have a computer but there are count em;, THREE computers in my house. We have 5 telelvisions, 2 of them are flat screens. We have camera equipment and running water.  We have cars to drive in and they have gas........but beyond all of those things we have our faith in God, contentment with where we are, healthy children and emotionally WE ARE TRULY BLESSED.

But there are so many out there that aren't. My friend Kathy mentioned something that I hadn't thought of  before, blessings don't always come in the form of cash or things. Sometimes blessings come in the form of revelations and emotions. To not be hurting from a loss, or crying over a broken heart is being blessed. Keeping life in perspective is a blessing. Sometimes we can get so lost in the how ...we forget to enjoy all the very many blessings that we have in life.
There are people out there hurting and need a blessing in their lives and maybe you can be that person. Or maybe someone just needs to be listened to. A simple prayer for another person can be a major blessings. I think we need to be open to listening to God when He wants to use us to bless others.
Prayerfully, I hope that I can always be that blessing to others.

Until Tomorrow
Grace be with You

Monday, January 11, 2010

BOLDNESS (Jesus Saves)

Jesus Saves

So today, really the past week has been a might hard. The Christmas holidays must have wiped me out because I am so incredibly tired. But this afternoon (and maybe it was the pot of coffee I had) I felt a little more energetic and after spending some time with God and my family, I went out to shoot photos.
Now I realize that I sometimes have a wacky sense of photography and quite frankly, I'm sorry if you don't get it. However, I like this photo. I think it's interesting and takes boldness to proudly proclaim to the world that Jesus Saves.
That is what I have been praying for. BOLDNESS. Just the sound of the word inspires confidence. BUT I'm nowhere near the boldness I think I actually need. Not only am I photographer but I also sing in church.Now I'm not talking like I am some amazing singer, I just want to sing to please the Lord and my friend Cari, plays the guitar and wants to praise God for it. So we do it together and each week I feel myself pray for boldness to get up on the stage and share my song with the world.
But what seems so funny is I am the same way with my photos. They are personal to me, and I will take it personally if they are not pleasing to you, just like my music. However, one thing that I am learning is it takes boldness in the Lord to proclaim that as long as I am following God's will, it shouldn't matter what you may think about my photos or my song selection.
So here's where I'm going with this: If I am not bold and do not proclaim Jesus Saves from my rooftop, if I hide my talents away and do not show the world my photos and share a song with them, what is it that I am saying about my faith? If God has given me a business but I don't include Him, can I ever be successful at it? Will God ever bless me, if I hide my faith under a rock?
No, I'd be saying that I'm a coward and I don't really believe what I am saying. And that scares me more than not saying anything at all.
So here's to baby steps into boldness. May we all be bold and proclaim to the rooftops, Jesus Saves.

Until Tomorrow,
Grace Be With You

God is REAL. God is Good

South Padre Island

Today I have not been to productive. And no, to be honest, this is not from today. I took this about a year and a half ago. This morning I heard an amazing sermon from Brother Ben Butler at Way of the Cross Ministries. He spoke on Hosea. Now, until today I hadn't heard Hosea. I am trying my best at having a relationship with Jesus but I started in the New Testament with my reading so this story wasn't something that I was familiar with. I want to share it because it touched me deeply.
Now, I don't have the finesse that Brother Ben has so I'll just tell the story my way. God told Hosea to marry a harlot. Yep, you heard me, a harlot. (= to prostitute, hooker, slave) Her name was Gomer. (Yes, I thought the same thing, Gomer Pyle...;)) Now Hosea came upon Gomer in a slave auction. I can't imagine anything worse than that. She was naked, beaten, skinny from lack of nutrition, and though she was about 28, I have to imagine that the life she led showed on her face. And here she was paraded about in front of all these men, who are bidding on her to be their slave. (As a note,slavery was common practice in Israel and many other nations.)  It must have been horrible for her, hearing her life reduced to shekels. One Shekel, two shekel, three shekels....who will bid 4? I'd like to think personally that my life is worth more than all the shekels in the world, what must she have thought as she stood up there on that stage? Just as the bidding is almost over, maybe a 10 shekel price is at stake, a voice comes from the crowd...15 shekels and a homer and a half of grain. The auctioneer bangs his gavel...SOLD.
Then he walked up to the stage, covered her with a blanket and took her hand and led her home as his WIFE, not slave. Anybody think that might have a parallel here? We are broken, hurting, sometimes mean, living in the world. We have vices, and faults and we live on the edge. Yet, Jesus comes, takes our hand, puts a blanket of comfort and peace around us and doesn't judge us, He makes us better people.
This photo reminds me of peace. Of comfort. Of beauty. God's beauty. I can almost imagine the light in the sky being Jesus watching and wanting to be in a relationship with us all.
God is REAL. God is GOOD.

Until Tomorrow
Grace Be With You

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Inside Out

I'm not a huge fan of the Valley where I live. It's hot, it's not anything spectacular, it's just dirt, palm trees, and a mangled mass of trees and  cactus with some brown grass thrown in. I wasn't gungho about it before I got to be an adult and after seeing places like Montana, Colorado and Alaska, the valley looks plain and forgotten and not so pretty.
There's no spectacular mountains and no beautiful gardens and it certainly doesn't snow here and that definitely would help the ambiance just a little. Today, though I had a different picture in mind and a different message to say, but God had something else to tell me. It's kinda about the Palm trees and I must not be getting it because here I am writing about something along the same lines.
The valley is not so pretty but I live here because my family lives here, the weather is consistent, there's a beach not too far away and I have great friends. Most importantly, I am here because God wants me here. I know that fact. So what is a photographer to do with dry farm land, citrus crops and brown grass? Show it to the world. I am learning to appreciate the beauty in the valley. It's not your typical place but I have learned to love it and be content with what I have.
God wants me to show the valley and that is what I need to do and will. He chose this special place in this time for me to be in it and like the song says" I will rejoice and be glad in it!"
It's not Alaska, Colorado or one of those other beautiful states, but this is where God has chosen. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that fact because it is so easy to get lost in what you want for yourself and not what God wants for us. After all, God's plan is so much greater than the plan that we could ever have for ourselves.
We just have to keep God as the focus.

Until Tomorrow
Grace be with you

The Tree and it's branches and a stop sign

The Tree and the Stop Sign

I know, real snazzy  title to this photo. When I stopped and looked at this tree I really analyzed it, maybe too much, which is what I often do.  Not at the time that I shot this photo however. I started my quest out driving around with my mom, looking for a tree or for wherever God might send me to take a photo. I pray about the words I write and the photo that I choose or take.
So here is where I (we) ended up today, out on a country road, not far from a bridge and close to a small town. I could have cropped out the road and the stop sign but when I really started looking at the photo and then prayed about it I felt a sense of peace about it, in that, I think sometimes we all need a stop sign in our lives. Something that says smell the roses or you're not thinking right. When I looked at this tree earlier, what came to me was this: A tree has many branches that grow off of it, and maybe it is time to stop and think about what branches are growing on our tree.
Are we sharing God's love and bearing fruit? Or do we need to stop and examine what it is we are putting time into?

"Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire. Therefore, you will fully know them by their fruits." Matthew 7: 19-20

Until Tomorrow
Grace Be With You

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Today in Hawaii, there is a mom who's heart is breaking over the loss of her baby son. Gavin Norton died today. He was probably one of the most prayed about babies that I have ever heard of. You might think that I knew them, but I didn't. Like a lot of prayer warriors who have been praying for the life of this little boy, I have never met nor had I heard of Natalie Norton until about a week ago. I have to tell you that  although it breaks my heart that little Gavin passed away, I have joy in that his mother told the world today: "God is good. God is Great."  Natalie Norton

I have been through similiar tragedy, in 2007 my husband, Raymond Paden passed away suddenly. I, however didn't have the faith of Natalie Norton. It has taken me two years and a lot of prayer to get to the point I am today. You see, I took the road of asking why, the road of anger, even the path of self destruction. My heart was broken in a million pieces. I wasn't much of a christian but when I couldn't take it anymore, I cried out to God and certain relief came. The sense of peace like a wave came over me. God Loves Us. And just like any Father there are times when we ask why, and we don't get an answer. Sometimes it's not between God and Us, it's between God and the person who passed away. It can even be that we don't know God's plan. Sometimes it is hard to struggle with that. The not knowing. I want to know. I do. But after two years of praying the question isn't why anymore. It's what can I do.  It's I'm going to praise Your name for the things that I do have and the blessings that I constantly receive. It's please Forgive me. And it's mold me into the person You want me to be. I loved (love) my husband very deeply and his death will probably always affect me but how I choose to live for God is the most important thing. See Natalie knows something I didn't. She knows one day she will be reunited with Gavin. Jesus paid that price for us. I will one day be with Raymond again. And for that, I thank You, Jesus.
Lord, tonight I send a prayer up for the Nortons and every other soul that has lost someone as dear to them as Gavin and Raymond. May Your peace and comfort rain down and fill their souls. Lord, help my faith to be strong. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Tomorrow
Grace be with You

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Mother's Hands and A Plea for Pee!

A Mother's Hands

When I think of  a mother's hands I think about how hard they have to work. I think about the time put in and the dinners cooked, laundry cleaned, errands run, and the many many other things that Mothers do.
But I think one of the things we forget about when we think about our mothers, is the prayers that they have prayed over the years. I know my own mother has prayed a million times over for me these almost 32 years. As a mother myself, I pray for their protection, for their happiness, for their futures. I have prayed that they become honorable Men of God. I pray daily that God's angels will be on constant vigil for them.
And my own mother, prayed when I was hurting more than I can say, right after my husband passed away.
And to me, that may have been the most important prayer she ever prayed for me. Because at that moment I needed peace and comfort more than I ever had before.  And I cannot ever thank her enough for that.
God says our faith can move Mountains! I know in my heart that my mom's heartfelt prayers have often moved mountains for me, even when I didn't have  faith myself!

There is a stranger in Hawaii, who is praying the hardest she ever has in her life, for her newborn son. She has faith that God will provide that relief and heal her son from this ordeal.
But she is asking for our help, help in praying for her son. Oddly enough, she needs him to pee! She needs him to pee the fluid that is killing him. I send a prayer up to God to watch over and protect and heal this family and their son, Gavin.
Lord, I'm praying for Pee!!! Let this baby pee off all the fluid that is killing him, let his heart be good. And Lord, most of all, bless this family with Your presence, comfort, and peace!


Send her a message or a prayer @

Until Tomorrow,

Grace be with you,


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

When Things Go Wrong

Corpus Christi - 2005

So sometimes, even pros go out to shoot and everything goes wrong and there is nothing to show for it. Tonight that is where I am. I went out, had an idea in my head and it didn't work out. So today's picture is of Corpus Christi, Texas, the Gulf of Mexico. I took this in 2005 when my late husband and I went on a trip there.
I didn't like any of the photos I took that day. Not of my children, not of the bay area, nothing. Just didn't like it one bit. Yet as I look back on it today, I really like it. I took it in the late afternoon right as it was turning dark and I got this bluish tint because I was still shooting with a high shutter speed because I wanted to catch the seagulls. But now that I look at this photo, it seems serene and I like the blue tint.
Seems to me that lately all God keeps showing me is be flexible. Be ready and willing and if it doesn't work out, keep trying.
Recently I was trying to get the worship guys at our church and My friend Cari and I to put together a little Christmas Cantata. I wanted to do it for all the souls that work so hard at the Missions. Well, let me tell you I am an organizer. I want things a certain way and I want to be able to prepare for them. But it turned out to be a mess mainly because of me. I wanted it my way but the others in the group were busy and they couldn't plan things the way I wanted them too. So I pouted and I got in a bad attitude and said "forget it." I didn't practice and I was very upset the night it happened, because I thought we'll do 2 songs and that will be it and it will be over with. It was horrible. The timing on the songs weren't right, I kept messing up the songs and that threw off Cari but most important, my heart wasn't right. I wasn't singing for God, I was singing just to sing. And it showed. Now, I try my best and sing for God, because then I know for sure that even if I mess up a note, or sing the wrong word, at least God saw my heart.
So maybe today, God wanted me to show you my failure. I'm not going to stop being a photographer because I didn't like the picture, or that I failed tonight in my quest to take one awesome photo a day. But I am sharing with you a photo that I definitely see God in. The mirror effect of the water,  the buildings and miracle of engineering, boats, and the sea gulls.

What do you see God in? What is your view?

Until Tomorrow
Grace be with you,


Monday, January 4, 2010

Midnight Surburbia and Grass

  Midnight Suburbia and Grass

I know it sounds a little kooky but what in this world today isn't. I went out with the intention of just shooting the grass since I am totally obsessed with night time photos right now. However, when I came back from shooting the photos outside, these two are the only ones that spoke to me.
Now I was thinking of posting a photo that I had taken earlier in the day of our cat, Monster. Monster is quite a character, but I think I'll leave that story for another day.
In the top photo there is just this eerie feeling of security and family and this eerie sense of patriotism while  in the bottom well, I just love the colors. (And yes I can be that simple.) I like the way the grass lays. and sticks up all jointy and smooth in some places.
Here's my thing: How in the world did God keep up with ALL these details? The grass the sun, the moon and stars, I can barely keep up with my children and their schedules let alone the world's details. But of course, that makes Him, the Almighty, The King of Kings, The Organizer of All Organizers...;)

All I can do is stare up in wonder (or down as the case may be). If God can keep up and do all these amazing things, just think what He could do in our lives with no problem at all.  I just hope I can give all these details justice in my photography....I'm trying.

Until Tomorrow,

Grace Be With You

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Palm Trees

South Texas Palm Trees

Okay, so maybe the title leaves a little to be desired....(or a lot) and granted the picture isn't unusual or different than a million other palm tree photos taken here in South Texas, but I do have a point with this photo....just bear with me a bit.

Being born and raised in South Texas, I'm not a huge fan of palm trees. (No, that is not sarcasm, I really think they are ugly.) So the other day I was at my friends house to practice singing, getting our act together for church and a friend of hers came over and was talking how much she loved Alaska..(being recently moved from said state, I'm also very much in love with Alaska..if you've never been..go!) I was talking about how I don't have many landscapes to shoot here in the Valley since it is basically brown grass, fields and like the name implies, valley....

So later on, I'm driving home from my sister's house and I see the setting sun on these palm trees (yes, said trees in photo above) and I think wow...that's gorgeous. Yes, I know it's ironic. Of course instantly I realize that God wouldn't have made anything ugly, well, it's only ugly in our eyes. And I know I'm not the greatest get to the point person but here is my great revelation about palm trees:
God made them and He loves them just the same. No matter that I think they are ugly but in the right light ( God's grace) , setting sun or other they can be quite beautiful. And God took time to create them in the seven days it took to create this work of art called earth.

So the parallel is this:

A person can be ugly (I'm talking inside) I may not like them, but God created them and He loves them and with His light and grace and mercy, they become beautiful. Just like the palm trees I find so ugly, in the setting sun are quite beautiful.
And just to add one more point home, I was very ugly before I let God in. I'm not the best writer, I'm not the clearest and maybe by the end of the year , my photos will speak for themselves. But God's grace has changed me from a very brokenhearted, sad person to one with joy and love. Nothing or no one else could have done that.

Until tomorrow. 

Grace be with you,

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The First Sunset of 2010 and Resolutions and Traditions

The First Sunset of 2010

I think most of us can see God's handiwork in this photo, in every sunset, sunrise, and most of the scenic earth. How I praise the Lord for the beauty He bestowed upon us. It's too bad that most of us, including me forget to be awed by its beauty way too many times. God didn't have to make the world a gorgeous place to live in but He did. I'd like to think He had us in mind in the 7 days it took to create the world.

And here's a personal note:
Every year I make a million resolutions and stick with our Southern traditions of eating Black eye peas and something green for good luck in the coming year. This year I have realized that there is no luck, Everything is from God and that being said, so is the so called "luck" we have. I have had bad years and good years. Not because I ate or didn't eat black eyed peas on New Year's Day but because that's life. This year I'm not going to make some silly resolution that I'm not going to keep anyway. Maybe that is just setting myself up for failure. Every year I get gung ho and think I'm going to lose weight and do this and that. Nope, not this year. This year I have one resolution. Just One.

I'm going to try my best at being consistent in following God's Will and not my own. I think if I can just concentrate on that , the rest will just fall into place.

Until tomorrow,

God Be With You

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!!


This is a blog about God. And maybe a little me thrown in.

Do you believe in coincidence? Before I knew Jesus I did, now I don't.  To get this photo, with it's angelic lighted dragonfly, there would have to be SO many coincidences to make it work. The wind blowing the right way, the fireworks built just right, the camera going off at just the right time. The photographer knowing just what they were doing. All that is true but WHO controls all those variables? If I let myself, I would drive myself nuts thinking of all the ways God makes things happen. By the wind blowing, the shutter going off, the fireworks exploding, I can't help but marvel at what an amazing director the Lord is. He is the Ultimate Producer, Director, and Boss...;) 

I took this picture last night 12/31/09 several hours before midnight so it's not really today's photo. I'll post that later or tomorrow. For you photographers out there I took this with manual focus and used the bulb function to hold it open for approximately 1-2 seconds. I could look at the metadata and let you know exactly how long I held the shutter open, and if you want to know you can email me...;)

Isn't it funny how a little picture can make you think so hard?

God be with you,
