Monday, March 15, 2010

Longhorns and Parenting

Longhorns in Rio Grande Valley, Texas taken at dusk. This Momma was yelling at me or the kid, not sure which one...;) Ok, Tech Specs: Nikon D90, 70-300mm lens.

Does this picture look familiar? It does to me, I can see this calf as either one of my sons and yep, that's me, nagging away at whatever they have done recently and well, that's a lot. I'm actually thinking about homeschooling. Yep, homeschool. The word sends chills down my neck...Now, don't get me wrong, I love my children, but I think back to the 1800's when parents pretty much did the "schoolin'" and I really don't think either one of us would survive..children OR mom...;) I might actually have to get that straight jacket for myself. What brought this all around was that both my sons have been in trouble. Serious trouble. We are not talking they just didn't obey mom, we are talking full out peer pressure vandalism, lying, and a really potty mouth. Not too mention one of them kicked a girl! Cause He FELT like it....

Okay, so I have some kids that learn obscene language on the bus, kick little girls, and vandalise empty houses. So I have had to pray about it. My sons do not want me to do what I FELT like doing, which was totally kick them!!! Anyway, they are on prison lockdown. And it's spring break. It's just gonna have to be that way until I feel they get far..not really.

Oh okay so to my point, I mean this blog is about God right, so how does that all work itself in? Okay, so I've been reading and praying and just asking God what to do, I mean I have to face it, my boys do not have a solid male role model. There dad is in Minnesota and pretty much a summer dad, if you know what I mean, so where to from here?

So the Bible is the thought of the day, it's where we learn how to act so I'm looking up Bible verses and stories that relate and I'm going to have them memorize them, so if you have any you think would be good for them, let me know. I'm also having them work, work, work. Write apology letters, and work a little at our church this week. Maybe that seems harsh but I see so many parents that aren't doing anything, so I ask for a little prayer tonight or today, help my kids see God and the errors of their ways!

Well Until Tomorrow
Grace Be With You

Wanna see the complete photo session? Check out our business Facebook page: Click Here

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Long Overdue and Coming Back!!

I have been gone quite awhile from my blog but I'm on my way back. Hit a rough spot there but everything is A-OK and I'm gettting back to shooting photos and commenting on this here blog...(think southern accent!) This is what happens when I watch Larry the Cable Guy..Sorry. ;)

So tomorrow, there will be a new post and a new photo...For those that hung on..thanks, for those that didn't...come on back...pretty photos coming soon!!!

Question? Should the 365 days start over??? Hmmm...need to pray about it...Talk to you soon!

Grace Be With You